Mutual Aid is Solidarity: A Transformative Practice Group

Discover the Power of Mutual Aid: Not Just Charity, But True Solidarity

Are you tired of seeing the same cycles of oppression, inequality, and charity that do little to dismantle the root causes? Do you feel called to do more than just "help"—to stand in true solidarity with your community? If you’re ready to shift from performative actions to transformative impact, then this workshop is for you.

Why Mutual Aid? Why Now?

We are living in times that demand more than just charity. Mutual aid flips the script by centering community, dismantling power imbalances, and ensuring that support is given and received as equals.

When we engage in mutual aid, we are saying to our neighbors, “I see you. I am with you. Your struggle is my struggle.” It’s about showing up with humility, intention, and the commitment to work alongside—not above.

Practice Dates

Your Guide 

myisha t hill is more than just a speaker—she’s a movement builder, a truth-teller, and a guide toward personal accountability and collective liberation. With years of experience in mental health, anti-racism, and community healing, myisha will lead you through a transformative journey that leaves you empowered, connected, and ready to act.

Practice Dates